Responsible Collection
Safety of our divers
Our dedicated team of divers include some of the very experienced scuba and skin divers in the country. Most of our employees come from the local island of Gulhi Male’ atoll, Maldives and Sri Lanka.
We understand that scuba diving is a risky activity. Scuba divers employed by the Tropic Marine under goes training and comply with established scuba diving safety requirements and standards. Our dive equipments are tested regularly to maintain safety standard. We are proud and fortunate to maintain an excellent safety record till date.
Social responsibility
Tropic Marine’s philosophy is based on sustainable method of catching or harvesting fish by traditional means using hand nets.
In the Maldives it is illegal to use harmful methods (such as use of cyanide or chemicals) to harvest or catch marine fish as used in some parts of the world.
The fish that we supply are individually caught making sure that unnecessary stress is minimised. The species we supply breed frequently and multiply in a shorter period of time. We also have a self imposed guideline not to harvest or catch certain species and sizes during the breeding season.
Tropic Marine understands that we have social responsibility to look after our fish stock so it will be there for generations to enjoy, benefit, coexist and earn a living.
We only hold limited prior stock of certain species of fish in our tanks. This is to avoid unnecessary casualty among fish when they are held in the holding facility for an order to be made by a customer.
We mainly collect bulk of the fish for actual existing orders, once the customer makes a firm order.
Should you have queries regarding our business please email to us at
Registered office:
Tropic Marine (a Division of Tropic X Maldives Private Limited)
Tropic X Maldives Private Limited
Chaandhanee House, Gulhi
Malé Atoll, Maldives
WhatsApp: (+960) 999 6483
Tel: (+960) 777 6483